Not-for-Profit Governance & Management Resources

In an effort to bring more valuable resources to our clients, we have joined the Not-for-Profit Section of the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA). These governance and management resources are being shared with our Not-for-Profit clients.

Evaluating the Board of Directors

You can learn a lot from looking at the disclosures made about a company’s board of directors in its annual report, but it takes time and knowledge to pick up clues on the level of quality of a company’s governance.

What is the Yellow Book?

The term Yellow Book refers to the complete set of Generally Accepted Government Auditing Standards (GAGAS). The standards provide users with a framework for the conduct of audits of all types of government entities and entities that have received awards.

10 Steps to a Successful Audit

10 Steps to a Successful Audit. Plan ahead. Stay up-to-date on accounting standards. Assess changes in activities. Learn from the past. Develop a timeline and assign responsibility. Organize data. Ask questions. Perform a self-review.

How to Start a Non-Profit Organization?

Starting a nonprofit organization can be an inspiring way to give back to your community and help those in need. However, it is important to understand all of the steps involved in this process before moving forward.